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Blocked Chakras explained….

By 12 June 2018May 1st, 2019Crystal Therapy

1) Blocks in the Root Chakra make us insecure, scared, anxious. To get rid of the blocks, you need to face your fears, deal with them and let go. To feel more grounded and safe, try walking barefoot, dance, eat root vegetables.
2) If the Sacral Chakra is blocked, we feel guilty, numb, lack emotions and sexual satisfaction. To balance this chakra, take a closer look at the situation that bothers you, fix the things you can fix and relax about those that can’t be fixed. Surround yourself with beauty and take your time to enjoy the things you like.
3) Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked when we feel insecure, frustrated; are afraid of being rejected. To balance this chakra, you need to revive yourself and boost self confidence. Spend more time in the air, groom yourself well, take up some sports and notice the progress you make.
4) Complicated relationships, tragic losses and loneliness often block our Heart Chakra. This chakra is hard to heal, but you can gradually balance it by focusing on the positive things in life, noticing the people who love you and need you, and being grateful for what you have. Also, meeting new people and helping them will eventually open your Heart Chakra
5) Blocked Throat Chakra is usually associated with self expression problems, deception, manipulative communication. The key to healing your fifth chakra is to be honest with yourself and others. Sing, talk to yourself, write a blog do things that stimulate your ability to communicate with yourself and with the world.
6) Do you have trouble concentrating, remembering things, suffer from nightmares or can’t seem to find your way in life? Try clearing your Third Eye Chakra by meditation (focus on the space between your eyebrows as you meditate). Do eye exercises and find the time for relaxed horizon or star-gazing and mindful concentration on something small like insects in the grass. Train your concentration without overloading your mind.
7) If your Crown Chakra is blocked, you may feel indecisive; worry that your life is meaningless and suffer from depression and insomnia. Also, this chakra is negatively affected when we get too attached to material things and lose the ability to let go. To start healing, meditate and do more of those things that make you feel peaceful. Learn to think of yourself as a part of the Universe (as opposed to, for example, being a professional belonging to a company).
Turn the phone and social networks off. Take a break, to think, relax and get out in nature if you can. You have the power to fine-tune your life to fully enjoy the peace and harmony that you deserve.